Lambda Building Blocks

AWS Lambda service consists of a few parts; working to give us serverless computing capability. In this article, I want to break down those components and give you a quick brief on each. Lambda Service I’m using Lambda service here to denote the control plane for the aws service, this is the part responsible for the configuration of the lambda instance (memory limit, environment variables, etc.), and it’s the part that receives the lambda binaries and spins instances to run them on demand.

Automating API Deployment to Azure API Management using Pulumi

If you are using Azure API management service to federate access to your backend APIs, then you’ve faced the requirement to automate how to deploy those APIs to it, in this post I show you how we achieved this at my current company. The Scope The goals we want to achieve are: Automating API operation, request, and response (API schema in general) creations from one swagger file. Configuring things like redirect, caching, validation …etc policies for each API operation.

Microservices, the forgotten human element

The TLDR version of this post is this: don’t use microservice architecture if you have a small team, below is why. Microservice isn’t meant for a single team, conway’s law tells us that: organizations ship their communication structure, and hence microservices comes as a result of having multiple teams working on the subdomains in an independent manner, independent teams who owns a service end to end and control the release cycle and abstract the internal details of the service as a public interface will yield a microservice architecture, the opposite is quite hard to achieve.

Serverless budget tracking

I use a very neat application to bugdet and track my spending, or let me confess, I’ve been trying to use this bugeting app to but a lid on my careless spending habit, YNAB (You need a budget) is an application for budgeting your income with a great philosphy behind it: “you give every dollar a job”. One of the things I’ve been failing at is tracking each payment, while adding transaction to the app is user friendly, but doing so for every payment you do however small is tiresome, that’s why when I started using card payment for all of my purchase, an idea came to me.

Creating Dev box in azure, putting packer into good use

The laptop I’m currently writing this blog post in had a serious issue, it was laggy and slow making small actions a chore, opening a word document could take minutes, I didn’t even dare open visual studio, VsCode was all I can do, luckily for me azure cloud shell and the enabled me to survive, well, until I finally upgraded its hard disk to an SSD. But in the middle of all this pain, I had an idea, why not build a virtual machine and configure it with all of my development tools, and remote into it and get freed from my laptop constraints, and that’s what I did.

Automating WPF Deployment - Take 1

Automating deployment tasks is one of the pivotal operations in DevOps, lifting the repetitive tasks will allow the developers to focus on the thing they are good at, which is writing code, and will yield a deployment mechanism that is repetitive and error-prone. And the area we want to automate today is the deployment of a WPF application, specifically the creation and publishing of a ClickOnce package, in this post I will demo one way of accomplishing this task, and in a future one, another method will be used.

static analysis on the go

Just the other day, I wanted to run a static analysis on a project I am working on, to know the number of lines of codes mainly, and to see other metrics. There are good static analysis tools out there, and the one we had a pleasurable experience with at work is sonarqube, so I went with it, but sonarqube is a server application and requires some dependencies to run, and I didn’t want to install java runtime just to know the number of my project code lines, what could be the solution?


Blogging for the duration of two posts -that’s a long time in blog years :)-, I thought I would share the blogging platform I use, and it would be good to talk about the steps required to publish a post, for me I came to choose and love hugo to build this blog, Hugo is static site generator written in go, the idea is simple but powerful, you write your content in markdown and through Hugo these posts (or whatever content) get compiled to static code -HTML,CSS and javascript in the case of web-, having your blog served as only static files makes it super fast and it plays great with CDN like Cloudflare which I am planning on using in the near future.

Migrating to VSTS

At work a need arose for migrating a project with 4 years worth of history from our on-premise TFS to the online visual studio team services (VSTS), completing the migration, I thought I would share the workflow and steps for migrating a project from local TFS to VSTS, and the gotchas and consideration you need to be aware of. But first, Why would you want to migrate? It could be for a couple of reasons, one of them is to tap into the up to date features of the online VSTS, while the on-premise offering of TFS gets updated, the cadence at which the online counterpart gets updated is much much higher.

Hello world

he first program you write when you learn a new programming language is the famous Hello world program , and as such, this is my hello world blog post , I will return soon to talk more about many interesting topics , but now I was able to say Hello to the world , and that’s enough for now.